A yearlong course for students in grades 3-6
God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2: A Bible Course for Children continues to follow the journey of God’s people as they become the nation of Israel. By chronologically studying the second half of the Old Testament from Samuel to Malachi, students will see how the God of Israel keeps and renews His covenant with His people. Students will also learn the ways in which the Old Testament forecasts the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Various prophets are studied in their contexts, so their lives and words can be understood in relation to their own times as well as times to come.
God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 2 contains thirty-two weekly chapters divided into five themed units. Each chapter contains: 1) a memory page that includes a weekly memory verse, key facts chart, and vocabulary to memorize; 2) a thought-provoking “Message from the King” that encourages students to consider how to relate to God in their own lives; 3) a worksheet; and 4) a quiz. Each week also contains the story of that week’s Bible verses, presented at a clear, elementary reading level.
Unit Themes Presented in God’s Great Covenant: Old Testament 2
Unit I: The Early Kingdom—The God Who Anoints. In 100 years, the scattered tribes of Israel would become a mighty kingdom with a powerful army, a magnificent palace, and a world-renowned king. God made this happen through three men, Samuel, Saul, and David, each of whom was specially chosen and anointed by God to serve Him.
Unit II: The Glorious Kingdom—The God Who Blesses. For years, David waited and trusted in the Lord, believing God’s promises. David became king and through his reign, God’s covenant with him and his kingship were linked—this was the Lord’s plan for His people.
Unit III: The Divided Kingdom—The God Who Reigns. King Solomon’s reign came with wealth, fame, wisdom, and many blessings from the Lord. The tragedy began when Solomon forgot the Lord and His greatness. In the next eighty years, the northern kingdom of Israel would have eight kings, none of whom served the Lord. But in the darkness, some light shone—and even in a divided kingdom, the Lord reigned supreme.
Unit IV: The Remnant Kingdom—The God Who Judges. The glorious kingdom that became the divided kingdom became the remnant kingdom. All of Israel’s kings did evil in God’s sight, resulting in His righteous judgement. Behind the suffering, God still showed mercy. The nation would one day be restored, and the promised Messiah would someday come. God was still King, and He would not forget His covenant with His people.
Unit V: The Exiled Kingdom—The God Who Restores. Israel and Judah turned down a path of rejection of God, resulting in the fall of Jerusalem and exile to Babylon. During those long years of exile, the Lord purged idolatry from His people, and they started to yearn for the coming of the Messiah. The Old Testament may conclude here, but it does not end the story—the King who has been keeping His kingdom safe will come in person.
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God’s Great Covenant Suggested Weekly Schedule (PDF)
GGC Old Testament 2 Errata (PDF)
GGC Old Testament 2 Quiz Packet with Answer Keys (PDFs in ZIP)
Companion Products:
God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 2: Teacher’s Edition
God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 2
God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 2: CD
Companion Resources:
God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 – Package
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