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Singapore Math Placement Test
Table of Contents
Chapter 9: Decimals
Lesson 1: Thousandths
Lesson 2: Place Value to Thousandths
Lesson 3: Comparing Decimals
Lesson 4: Rounding Decimals
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000
Lesson 7: Divide Decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000
Lesson 8: Conversion of Measures
Lesson 9: Mental Calculation
Lesson 10: Practice B
Chapter 10: The Four Operations of Decimals
Lesson 1: Adding Decimals to Thousandths
Lesson 2: Subtracting Decimals
Lesson 3: Multiplying by 0.1 or 0.01
Lesson 4: Multiplying by a Decimal
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Dividing by a Whole Number — Part 1
Lesson 7: Dividing by a Whole Number — Part 2
Lesson 8: Dividing by a Whole Number by 0.1 and 0.01
Lesson 9: Dividing a Whole Number by a Decimal
Lesson 10: Practice B
Chapter 11: Geometry
Lesson 1: Measuring Angles
Lesson 2: Angles and Lines
Lesson 3: Classifying Triangles
Lesson 4: The Sum of the Angles in a Triangle
Lesson 5: The Exterior Angle of a Triangle
Lesson 6: Classifying Quadrilaterals
Lesson 7: Angles of Quadrilaterals — Part 1
Lesson 8: Angles of Quadrilaterals — Part 2
Lesson 9: Drawing Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Lesson 10: Practice
Chapter 12: Data Analysis and Graphs
Lesson 1: Average — Part 1
Lesson 2: Average — Part 2
Lesson 3: Line Plots
Lesson 4: Coordinate Graphs
Lesson 5: Straight Line Graphs
Lesson 6: Practice
Review 3
Chapter 13: RatioLesson 1: Finding the Ratio
Lesson 2: Equivalent Ratios
Lesson 3: Finding a Quantity
Lesson 4: Comparing Three Quantities
Lesson 5: Word Problems
Lesson 6: Practice
Chapter 14: Rate
Lesson 1: Finding the Rate
Lesson 2: Rate Problems — Part 1
Lesson 3: Rate Problems — Part 2
Lesson 4: Word Problems
Lesson 5: Practice
Chapter 15: Percentage
Lesson 1: Meaning of Percentage
Lesson 2: Expressing Percentages as Fractions
Lesson 3: Percentages and Decimals
Lesson 4: Expressing Fractions as Percentages
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Percentage of a Quantity
Lesson 7: Word Problems
Lesson 8: Practice B
Review 4
Review 5