Second Grade Curriculum Manual $40.95


This Second Grade Curriculum Manual is written for five days, but you can adjust it to fit your schedule, whatever it may be, whether you are using it at home or in a school.

The approach to reading includes phonics and daily exposure to good literature during read-aloud time. Good books captivate the imagination of children and motivate them to to want to be readers. Good books teach vocabulary and a fascination with words. Good books teach geography, history, science, and, most importantly, the condition of human life. Good books open the mind of the child to the whole world.

The reading program for grade 2 continues the development of reading skills. The literature study guides train students to become active readers. The guides focus on vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, and composition skills. Words to pronounce and spell prepare students for each chapter, and words to define build vocabulary. Comprehension questions teach students to think about what they have read and to learn to identify the important content of each story.

The literature, poetry, and copybook passages of the Memoria Press Primary Classical Curriculum are unique and qualify our curriculum to truly deserve the name classical.

The copybooks include passages from the King James Bible that have been chosen because they teach about salvation history and have dramatic appeal to young children. Everything in the copybooks is meant to be memorized and become part of the daily recitation.

Recitation time is an important part of our school day. Reciting those basic facts that need to be learned and remembered forever is a most enjoyable way to learn and to start the day. Recitation includes days of the week, months of the year, geography and history facts, prayers, counting, memory verses, poetry, songs, and much more.

Music and art supplements are enriching and deserving of your time and effort to present to your child.

The hope is that the Memoria Press Primary Classical Curriculum serves as an outstanding beginning for your student’s education and the first of many years as you follow the classical curriculum of Memoria Press and Highlands Latin School.

Companion Products

Curriculum Manual
Enrichment Lesson Plans
Literature Lesson Plans
Math Lesson Plans
Phonics & Spelling Workout C Lesson Plans

Additional information
Weight .9 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1 in


Published Date



Memoria Press


Spiral Bound


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