Canadian Wonder Tales is a collection of classic Canadian folklore stories by Cyrus MacMillan. The tales in this collection have been gathered in various parts of Canada.
Canadian Wonder Tales
Product Description
They have been selected from a larger collection of folk-tales and folk-songs made by the writer for more academic and scientific purposes. They are not the product of the writer’s imagination; they are the common possession of the folk.
Many of them are still reverently believed by the Indigenous Canadian Peoples, and all are still told around camp fires in forests and on plains, upon the sea and by cottage hearths.
Additional Information
Weight | .15 kg |
Dimensions | 9 × 6 × .22 in |
ISBN | 9781507611692 |
Published Date | 2015 |
Editor | Cyrus Macmillan |
Publisher | Createspace |
Format | Paperback |
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