Captain William Kidd did not intend to become a pirate. In fact, the most notorious pirate of his day would not have considered himself a pirate at all. The victim of bad luck and an even worse conspiracy against him, Captain Kidd became famous for acts of murder and brutality that he never actually committed.
Captain Kidd, Pirate
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Product Description
This swashbuckling series explores some of the pirates who sailed the open seas around America, as well as the privateersmen who defended their country when it could not defend itself, often changing history in the process. These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.
The Pirates and Privateers Dyslexia Series offers a way for children with reading difficulties to enjoy reading and American history in a rare and wonderfully accessible combination that they will treasure for years to come.
Titles in Series:
Peter Francis, Buccaneer
First Mate Henry King and the Privateer
Captain Kidd, Pirate
Blackbeard’s Greatest Battle
Stede Bonnet, Landlubber Pirate
Silas Talbot, Heroic Privateersman
Additional Information
Weight | .3 kg |
Dimensions | 11 × 8.5 × .2 in |
ISBN 13 | 9780898247350 |
Author | Royal Fireworks Press Publication |
Publisher | Royal Fireworks Press |
Format | Paperback |
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