Captains Courageous $8.00

As it turns out, Harvey’s apparent misfortune in tumbling from a life of pampered luxury into the humble company of a fishing schooner becomes a blessing in disguise. Compelled by the captain to earn his keep, Harvey loses his affectations as he learns the rewards of an honest day’s labor amid the gruff and hearty companionship of the crewmen, who teach him to be worth his salt as they fish the waters off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.

Readers of all ages have delighted in Kipling’s engaging maritime yarn since its initial appearance in 1897. The author’s only novel to unfold in an American setting, this lively tale resounds with Kipling’s customary blend of adventure and humor. This attractive new edition, unabridged and inexpensive, offers an irresistible invitation to a master storyteller’s enduring tale of a boy’s initiation into adulthood.

Reprint of a standard edition.


Titles by Author:

The Jungle Book (Puffin)
The Jungle Book (Dover)
Just So Stories (Everyman’s Library)
Just So Stories (Penguin Classics)
Kim (Living Book Press)
Captains Courageous (Dover)
Captains Courageous (Living Book Press)
Kipling: Poems by Rudyard Kipling
Rikki Tikki Tavi 

Additional information
Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 5 × 8 × .5 in



Rudyard Kipling



