From the Publisher:
Plutarch’s Lives is a wealth of character studies, written in ancient times by a master biographer who wanted his readers to understand who the Greek and Roman heroes were as people. By focusing on stories that show what a person valued rather than merely on his accomplishments, Plutarch shines a spotlight on the character qualities of the men of ancient times.
Charlotte Mason highly valued Plutarch’s biographies and used them to teach character and citizenship. And now with Conversations on Character courses, it’s simple for you to include Plutarch in your home school as well!
This guide for Plutarch’s Life of Alexander the Great includes
- Plutarch’s biography of Alexander in an easily understandable translation, gently edited as Charlotte Mason recommended to make it suitable for grades 4–12.
- Short readings that divide the text into manageable sections.
- Introductions and summaries that set the context for each reading.
- Narration prompts to help your students think about each section and make their own connections and observations.
- Discussion questions that make the study come alive and highlight the rich ideas included in Plutarch’s Life of Alexander.
- Online access to maps so you can trace the action in the biography.
- Videos covering each lessons, taught by author Larry Hunt as he reads each section of the biography and provides his own insights on the discussion questions—more than 8 hours of video lessons!
Titles in Series:
Conversations on Character: Plutarch’s Life of Alexander
Conversations on Character: Plutarch’s Life of Julius Caesar
Conversations on Character: Plutarch’s Life of Marcus Brutus