Journey Through the Bible $48.50

Every library, home, church, and school will want this complete reference work on its shelves. It will enrich every home, school, and Sunday School. Lesson preparation, Bible storytelling, family devotions and any type of Bible study will be the better for having this as a reference.

Journey through the Bible is nothing short of incredible! Every child needs to experience it. Veritas has partnered with Lion Hudson to produce a version that fits perfectly with the Veritas Bible curriculum.

In fact, we even display the Bible cards matched to the stories visually in the book. It’s a visual as well as a textual exploration of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Over 400 colorful pages of text, photographs, maps, drawings, and charts. Your children will never get enough of this book. Journey through the Bible has been a top book pick for many years.

Additional information
Weight 1.4 kg
Dimensions 10.5 × 7.5 × 1.3 in



V. Gilbert Beers

Published Date



Lion Books



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