Differentiated Math Sprints 3 Blackline Masters $33.95

From the Publisher:

Math Sprints Blackline Master is a series of 6 books for classroom use.

The Singapore Math® curriculum stresses the use of mental math. These sprint books are written with that in mind and are useful to all elementary teachers interested in developing mental math fluency in their children.

The section below explains how to give a sprint. You will see that students are racing to beat their own scores each time they take one of these tests. In the excitement of the sprint, applause is given to the student who gets the most problems correct on the first half, and to the student who improves the most on the second half. This applause, is, of course, well-meaning. But what about those students who rarely, if ever, receive applause? How can we keep them motivated to take the sprints when the same few children are always receiving the applause? Equally important is another concern: how do we keep the strongest math students challenged taking sprints with their classmates?

This book is written to address these concerns. Each sprint is differentiated. The A sheet of each half of the sprint is for the majority of the class. The B sheet is for the strongest students. If you look closely at the A and B sheets of each sprint, the answers to the problems are the same. Many of the problems on the B sheets, however, require more mental calculation. These sprints will allow access to the excitement of sprints for all of your students.

If you teach in a fairly homogeneous classroom, using differentiated sprints is not important. In that case, use the A versions of both halves for one sprint for all of your students, and perhaps, later in the year, use the B versions. Bonus … this will give you double the number of sprints!

Generally speaking, sprints are used in the classroom two to three times per week. Once a teacher becomes experienced administering a sprint, the entire process, start to finish, should take about 10 minutes. You can re-use sprints. For example, if you give sprint 305 one week, you can give it again a couple of weeks later. The students will not remember it.

You may want to buy a sprint book at a grade below the level you teach so that students get used to taking sprints and feel very successful with them. Particularly if their mental math fluency is not where it should be, you can help them build it gradually by starting at a lower grade level.

Above is extracted from the preface of Math Sprints Blackline Master.

Answers are after each set of sprints.

Instructions on “How to Give a Sprint” are included in this black-line master.

This black-line master is not a teaching book and does NOT provide instruction on mental math strategies. This black-line master is for classroom setting. A workbook version (with identical sprints) is available for home or tutorial situations.

Our recommendation:
Math Sprints is recommended for parents or teachers to use with their students to help them gain speed and accuracy in all computation skills. It includes some drill on basic math facts, but primarily goes beyond the basic facts to other mental math skills.

This series can be used as a supplement to Singapore Math® curriculum to provide practice with mental math. They do NOT provide instruction on mental math strategies. They are practice books, not teaching books. The workbook version is meant for home or tutorial situations with one or a few students at different levels, and the black-line master version is meant for use in a classroom.

This blackline master is for school situations.

Additional information
Weight .8 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .5 in



Singapore Math Inc.


Spiral Bound



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