Dimensions Math 2 Set B (with Home Instructor’s Guide) $89.00

Dimension Math®PK-5

Dimensions Math PK-5 is the latest Singapore math curriculum. The series features vibrant imagery and the content that introduce concepts through logical sequencing. Lessons encourage discussion and help students reach fluency through engaging activities and strategies. Corresponding exercises in workbooks help students consolidate and practice new knowledge.

Features & Components:

  • Chapter Opener: Each chapter begins with an engaging scenario that stimulates student curiosity in new concepts. This scenario also provides teachers an opportunity to review skills.
  • Think: With guidance from teachers, students solve a problem using a variety of methods.
  • Learn: One or more solutions to the problem in Think are presented, along with definitions and other information to consolidate the concepts introduced in Think.
  • Do: A variety of practice problems allow teachers to lead discussion or encourage independent mastery. These activities solidify and deepen student understanding of the concepts.
  • Exercise: A pencil icon at the end of the lesson links to additional practice problems in the corresponding workbook.
  • Practice: Periodic practice provides teachers with opportunities for consolidation, remediation, and assessment.
  • Review: Two cumulative reviews provide ongoing practice of concepts and skills.

Note: Two textbooks (A and B) for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year. Answer key not included. Soft cover.nes Singapore math, including the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, number bonds, bar models, and mental math. We’ve refined aspects of existing Singapore math programs to be more educator-friendly while preserving the fundamentals of this unique approach. Written by a team of teachers and trainers with more than 100 years of combined classroom experience, it is a rigorous and engaging curriculum for classrooms and homeschool.


Textbook lessons build on prior knowledge and develop concepts in an accessible way. There are two textbooks (A and B) for each grade corresponding to the two halves of the school year.

Workbooks offer independent practice while maintaining the careful progression of exercise variation. There are two workbooks (A and B) for each grade corresponding to the two halves of the school year.

Teacher’s guides are a comprehensive resource that help teachers understand the purpose of each lesson within the framework of the curriculum. They include detailed teaching notes and activities to achieve lesson objectives.

Test books help teachers systematically evaluate student progress. Tests align with the content of textbooks. Grades 1-5 have differentiated assessments: Test A focuses on key concepts and fundamental problem-solving skills, while Test B focuses on the application of analytical skills and heuristics.

Ebooks are available for schools (not for homeschool at this time). Textbooks, digital annotation workbooks, and wrap-around teacher’s guides are all on the platform. Teachers can plan, prep, assign, and review lessons online. Students access textbooks and complete workbook assignments through their school’s LMS portal.

Lesson Flow

Throughout the series, five characters offer suggestions on how to think about problems, remind students of strategies they’ve learned, and point out important information to encourage students to come up with their own solutions.

Lessons begin with a problem for students to solve, setting the stage for discussion. Students who need additional support can spend more time working with manipulatives or using other strategies as outlined in the Teacher’s Guide, while teachers can listen for common misunderstandings and encourage students to solve problems in various ways until they internalize concepts.

Once students have mastered a concept with the use of concrete and pictorial aids, they are ready to take on more abstract mathematical problem sets. They reach fluency by collecting various strategies along the way.

Finally, students work through word problems that give them a sense of real-world application of math. Students use the strategies they learned in earlier phases to both understand and solve these problems.

Nearly all lessons have a corresponding workbook exercise, which extends independent practice of mathematical concepts. A thoughtful progression pattern followed throughout the series covers the fundamental concepts, offers practice exercises with pictorial representations, and challenges students with abstract exercises.

How does it compare to Primary Mathematics?

Dimensions Math PK-5 features all of the same fundamental Singapore math methods as Primary Mathematics. It emphasizes the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach, bar modeling, and mastery of mental math to gain number sense, computational fluency, and logical thinking. Like Primary Mathematics, Dimensions Math has minimal vocabulary and textual information. Instead, concepts are conveyed through images and careful sequencing. Unlike Primary Mathematics, the Dimensions Math program is a cohesive PK-5 series (Primary Mathematics is 1-6). It includes more teacher-friendly materials, including guidance on hands-on components. The Dimensions Math teacher’s guides are in full color and include reduced-size copies of textbook and workbook pages for easy reference to every lesson. The guides give more ideas for differentiation and include math literature suggestions.

Additional information

Singapore Math Inc.


Spiralbound, Paperback



Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 2B - Home Instructor's Guide

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .8 in



Singapore Math Inc.





Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 2B - Textbook

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × .75 in



Singapore Math Inc.





Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 2B - Tests

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × .75 in



Marshall Cavendish Int (S) Pte Ltd





Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 2B - Workbook

Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × .5 in



Singapore Math Inc.





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