Exploring Creation with Astronomy – Textbook, Notebooking Journal, and MP3 Audio $156.71

Exploring Creation with Astronomy, 2nd Edition, is a homeschool science course for elementary grades K-6  and part of our Young Explorer Series authored by Jeannie Fulbright. For over 11 years in a row, The Young Explorer Series has been voted the #1 homeschool science for elementary grades.

Explore the farthest reaches of God’s creation with this new and revised edition of our award-winning astronomy course. With many hands-on activities to help young scientists retain what they learn, our science curriculum uses the Charlotte Mason methodology to introduce elementary-level students to the wonders of our solar system, the stars, and beyond. Our tour of the universe begins with our sun, the planets, the asteroid belt, dwarf planets, and the Kuiper belt. Then we set off across the stars to explore galaxies, nebulae, and even black holes as they reveal the marvel and might of our loving Creator.

This title is part of the Young Explorer Series, authored by Jeannie Fulbright.

Click here to view a sample.

What Does Astronomy Cover?

There are 13 lessons included in this one-year astronomy course. A detailed daily lesson plan is included in the Notebooking Journals.

Lesson topics include:

  • Gravity
  • Our Solar System
  • Clocks, Calendars, and Seasons
  • Astronomers and Astronauts
  • Solar Flares, Auroras, and Sunspots
  • Rotation and Revolution
  • The Moon’s Phases
  • A Comet’s Orbit
  • Jupiter’s Rings
  • Galaxies
  • Constellations

What Do I Need to Use This Homeschool Astronomy Course?

 To complete this astronomy course, we recommend the hard-cover textbook and spiral Notebooking Journal (grades 4-6) or the Junior Notebooking Journal (grades K-3).

This astronomy course for elementary grades is packed with a variety of hands-on activities, experiments, and projects. These can be completed with household materials.

Click here to view a sample.

What Are Some of the Activities in This Astronomy Course?

The activities and projects use easy-to-find household items and truly make the lessons come alive!

A Sampling of the course projects include:

  • Build a model solar system
  • Make a solar eclipse
  • Make a compass
  • Make a telescope
  • Watch a meteor shower
  • Launch a rocket
  • Make clouds
  • Locate constellations

What is the Daily Schedule for Astronomy?

We have provided a detailed daily schedule for astronomy in front of each Notebooking Journal and Junior Notebooking Journal. This schedule outlines what to read and what activities to complete, as it fits your family’s needs.

We recommend that you spend approximately 35 weeks covering this book, devoting 2 days per week to the course.

A perfect complement to Exploring Creation with Astronomy, 2nd Edition, the Astronomy Regular Notebooking Journal, 2nd Edition, provides everything your student needs to complete this study of astronomy. Not only does it include all the helpful and creative features of our other Notebooking Journals in the Young Explorer Series, but if you purchased the Apologia Science Kit that corresponds to this title, there are extra activities for your student.

This Regular Notebooking Journal will serve as your child’s notebook, providing a place for him to complete every assignment in the text. He will illustrate and record fascinating facts and information learned during each lesson, complete the notebooking assignments on specially designed templates, record experiments, activities and projects, complete vocabulary crossword puzzles, put together beautifully designed miniature books, and more!

A detailed daily schedule is included in each of our Regular Notebooking Journals and Junior Notebooking Journals and makes planning a breeze! This schedule lists the pages to read in the textbook and the pages to complete in the journal.

Click here to view a sample.

The Benefits of Using the Notebooking Journal

Keeping a scientific notebook has always been standard scientific practice. Apologia’s Notebooking Journals have been designed to:

  • Facilitate retention and provide documentation of your student’s education. The unique personal written and artistic expressions incorporate both sides of the brain
  • Be flexible and allows for multilevel learning. A twelve-year-old student may write an essay and make an elaborate illustration, while a six-year-old may write one sentence with a stick-figure drawing
  • Help students record experiences, observations, and thoughts
  • Engage students in the scientific process
  • Provide a written history that students can reference as they explore new subject areas
  • Give your student a place where they can record and organize experiences and observations
  • Provides a place to review their notes to create opinions, and draw conclusions about the way their world works

What’s the Difference between the Regular Notebooking Journal and Junior Notebooking Journal?

The Junior Notebooking Journals are designed for younger students who are still developing basic writing skills. These journals have easier crossword puzzles and activities, easier coloring pages, and wider writing lines.

The Regular Notebooking Journal and Junior Notebooking Journal are designed to work together to help accommodate teaching multiple ages in your homeschool.

What Is Included in the Exploring Creation with Astronomy, 2nd Edition, Regular Notebooking Journal?

In this Notebooking Journal, you will find:

  • A Suggested Schedule for completing the readings, notebooking assignments, activities, and experiments. We recommend that you spend approximately 35 weeks covering this book, devoting 2 days per week to the course.
  • Fascinating Facts templates for your student to record what he or she learned in each lesson, using both words and illustrations
  • Creative templates for completing the notebooking assignments
  • Review Questions for each lesson, which can be answered orally or in writing as a written narration
  • Scripture Copywork, including both print and cursive practice, which is a valuable method for not only practicing handwriting but also memorizing Scripture and teaching spelling, grammar and writing
  • Project Pages and Scientific Speculation Sheets for your student to use to keep records of experiments, projects, and activities completed throughout the course
  • A selection of book and DVD suggestions to complement your student’s studies, as well as projects and experiments to help your student Dig In Deeper
  • Beautiful, full-color, lapbook-style Miniature Books for your student to create, encouraging him or her to record facts and information learned in each lesson
  • Field Trip Sheets your student can use to keep a record of field trips or outings enjoyed during his or her studies
  • A Final Review with fifty questions to be answered either orally or in writing to show off all your student remembers and knows about astronomy

Your child will treasure his Regular Notebooking Journal as he makes it his very own with words and illustrations, reflecting all he has learned in his pursuit of science. Additionally, the journal will serve as your record of your student’s scientific endeavors throughout the year. When your child flips through his notebook, he will be reminded of the knowledge he has attained as he peruses the pages he has created.  A variety of activities include full-color mini-books, additional fun experiments, crosswords, and supplementary materials.

This MP3 CD contains a complete audio recording of the course Exploring Creation with Astronomy, 2nd Edition, as read by the author, Jeannie Fulbright. This is the perfect accompaniment to the book for students who are auditory learners, struggling readers, or have other learning disabilities that make reading difficult.  It can also be used for students who are not reading on their own yet, or for the entire family to enjoy together.

Please note that this is not a standard CD. It is an MP3 CD. This means that in order to listen to this CD, you must play it in an MP3-compatible CD player or on a computer. Please note that although this audiobook is a direct reading from the textbook, occasionally words or sentences have been altered in this recording to ensure a high-quality listening experience, and the words in the book, therefore, may not track exactly with the words of the audio.

Please note that this item is not returnable once opened! 

You may hear a sample by clicking here.

Click here to view a helpful resource listing the MP3 CD tracks and files.

Additional information


Published Date

2016; 2nd Edition


Apologia Educational Ministries





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Exploring Creation with Astronomy: Young Explorer Series 2nd Ed.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 11.25 × 8.75 × .85 in


Published Date

2016; 2nd Edition


Apologia Educational Ministries





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Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Notebooking Journal 2nd Ed.

Weight .6 kg
Dimensions 11.25 × 8.75 × .5 in


Published Date

2nd Edition


Fulbright, Jeannie


Apologia Educational Ministries


Coil bound


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Exploring Creation with Astronomy - MP3 Audio CD

Weight .150 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5.75 × .5 in

Apologia Educational Ministries


Spiral Bound



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