Exploring Planet Earth: Supplemental Student Questions (Second Edition) $8.50

Exploring Planet Earth Student Sample

We love John H. Tiner’s science books for middle school students. He writes from a biblical perspective and has won numerous awards for his books on science and medicine for young people. They are excellent introductions to the people and places central to the planet earth, the history of medicine, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. These illustrated books have review questions and activities after every chapter, and Memoria Press has added additional supplemental review questions to each chapter, unit reviews, unit tests, and a final exam for each book in the series.

From the publisher:

The first in a series of books on science, this book has broad appeal for any elementary-age child, but is written specifically as a resource tool for fifth grade through junior high level.

Blending a creationism perspective of history with definitions of terms and identification of famous explorers, scientists, etc., this book gives students an excellent initial knowledge of people and places, encouraging them to continue their studies in-depth.

Supplemented with photographs, illustrations, questions, and chapter review activities, Exploring Planet Earth brings to life people like Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus, and gives students the opportunity to read history that hasn’t been altered or erased altogether.

These Supplemental Student Questions provides questions based upon the text for the student to answer.

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Exploring Planet Earth

Exploring Planet Earth: Supplemental Student Questions, Second Edition

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Additional information
Weight .1 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .1 in


Published date



Cooper Boldrick


Memoria Press




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