Exploring the World of Biology $25.95


The field of biology focuses on living things, from the smallest microscopic protozoa to the largest mammal. In this book you will read and explore the life of plants, insects, spiders and other arachnids, life in water, reptiles, birds, and mammals, highlighting God’s amazing creation. You will learn about the following and so much more:

  • How does biological classification give each different type of plant or animal a unique name?
  • In what ways are seeds spread around the world?
  • What food does the body use for long-term storage of energy?
  • How did biologists learn how the stomach digested food?
  • What plant gave George de Mestral the idea for Velcro?

We love John H. Tiner’s science books for middle school students. He writes from a biblical perspective and has won numerous awards for his books on science and medicine for young people. They are excellent introductions to the people and places central to the planet earth, the history of medicine, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.

These illustrated books have review questions and activities after every chapter, and Memoria Press has added additional supplemental review questions to each chapter, unit reviews, unit tests, and a final exam for each book in the series.

Companion Resources

Exploring the World of Biology
Exploring the World of Biology – Teacher Key & Tests (Second Edition)
Exploring the World of Biology – Supplemental Student Questions (Third Edition)



Additional information
Weight .45 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.5 in


Date Published



John Hudson Tiner


New Leaf Publishing Group, Inc.






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