French for Children: Primer B – DVD $140.50

A yearlong course for grades 5-7

The French for Children Primer B DVD & CD Set features master French teacher and author Joshua Kraut. Bring this valuable resource into your classroom to teach your students directly, or use it to privately prepare yourself to teach the lessons. Each lesson (40–50 minutes) corresponds to the weekly chapter of French for Children Primer B and has three segments: vocabulary, grammar, and conversational French. The audio chant CD features all of the pronunciations from the Pronunciation Wizard, as well as the dialogues, lively grammar chart chants, complete vocabulary, Conversation Journal words and phrases, Say It Aloud exercises, dicteés, and more! The set includes:

  • 6 DVDs with chapter-by-chapter training for 13 chapters (average 40–50 minutes each)
  • 1 Chant CD with dialogues, grammar and vocabulary chants, and more



Ask the Magister (teacher)

Companion Resources:

French For Children, Primer B – Student Text
French For Children, Primer B – Answer Key
French For Children, Primer B – DVD and CD Set
French For Children, Primer B – Chant and Audio Files

Free Downloads:

French for Children Primer B Audio Files (Zipped MP3) These complimentary files feature dialogues, Say It Aloud exercises, and dicteés. These files do not include the grammar chart chants, complete vocabulary, or Conversation Journal words and phrases.

French for Children Primer B Suggested Schedule

Additional information
Weight .35 kg
Dimensions 6 × 5.5 × 1 in

Joshua Kraut, PhD


Classical Academic Press




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