God’s Big Book of Animals $52.50


God’s Big Book of Animals is both educational and entertaining. Children will love learning where these animals are, what they eat, and how they live. Written in a conversational tone that children will enjoy, God’s Big Book of Animals teaches the class, order, and species for each animal as well as interesting facts about them.

Christian parents describe God’s Big Book of Animals as a “family favorite” and recommend it for elementary age students and higher. It is a perfect book for individual study, family reading time, and all Christian academic settings including homeschools.

Discover the secrets of your favorite animal’s odd behaviors, such as why woodpeckers don’t get headaches, how octopuses change colors, and what helps insects walk sideways and even upside down!

  • From shrews to skunks, elephants to Emperor penguins, learn about 60 animals in all
  • Filled with full-color images of each creature, as well as their behavior and habitats
  • Engaging and humorous text that inspires praise to God for the work of His hands


Additional information
Weight 1.8 kg
Dimensions 13.5 × 9.8 × .5 in



Orit Kashtan


New Leaf Publishing Group, LLC



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