God’s Great Covenant: New Testament 1 – Teacher’s Edition $47.50


A yearlong course for students in grades 4-6

The Bible tells us God’s story. It has many parts, but from beginning to end, it is one story with a promise throughout: “I will be your God, and you will be My people.” Through this story, we learn who God is, who mankind is, how the world came to be, and how God worked through history to bring redemption to His people. The God’s Great Covenant series will narrate this story for your student in an engaging and unique way.

In God’s Great Covenant New Testament 1: A Bible Course for Children, students follow the story of Jesus, the Messiah and King, as He is born and fulfills all God’s promises. Each of the four units in this text emphasizes one of these names of Jesus: the Son of Man, God’s Servant, the Messiah, and the Son of God. This book is a most comprehensive and heartfelt study of the Gospels, and many parents and teachers will find themselves learning along with their students.

God’s Great Covenant New Testament 1 Teacher’s Edition contains the full content of the God’s Great Covenant New Testament 1 student edition, and also provides an answer key and extensive teacher’s notes with additional factual information to expand upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text.

For placement recommendations and other questions, please see our FAQ page.

God’s Great Covenant Suggested Weekly Schedule (PDF)

GGC Old Testament 1 Errata (PDF)

GGC Old Testament 1 Quiz Packet with Answer Keys (PDFs in ZIP)

Ask the Magister (teacher)

Companion Products:

God’s Great Covenant – New Testament 1

God’s Great Covenant – New Testament 1: Teacher’s Edition

God’s Great Covenant – New Testament 1: Audio CD

Additional Resources:

God’s Great Covenant – New Testament 1: Package

God’s Great Covenant Old Testament 1 – Package

God’s Great Covenant – Old Testament 2: Package

Additional information
Weight .87 kg
Dimensions 10.9 × 8.4 × .9 in



Larsen, Claire


Classical Academic Press




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