God’s Great Covenant: New Testament 2 – Teacher’s Edition $47.50


God’s Great Covenant New Testament 2 Teacher’s Edition contains the full content of the God’s Great Covenant New Testament 2 student edition, and also provides an answer key and extensive teacher’s notes, as well as additional facts and information to expand on the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text. This book is a comprehensive and heartfelt study of the Gospels, and many parents and teachers will find themselves learning along with their students.

The Bible tells us God’s story. It has many parts, but from beginning to end, it is one story with a promise throughout: “I will be your God, and you will be My people.” Through this story, we learn who God is, who mankind is, how the world came to be, and how God worked through history to bring redemption to His people. The God’s Great Covenant series will narrate this story for your student in an engaging and unique way.

This detailed teacher’s edition corresponds to God’s Great Covenant, New Testament 2: Acts (student edition). Included in this edition are a full copy of the student text, answer keys, and teacher’s notes with additional factual information that expands upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text. A study of the book of Acts reveals a remarkable adventure as Jesus Christ establishes His Church by means of the apostles and early Christians, who are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

God’s Great Covenant, New Testament 2: Acts presents this adventure as the mission of the Church given by Jesus (unit I), guided by the Holy Spirit (unit II), and directed by the “map” of God’s Word (unit III). As the adventure continues, students will see that the early Church had to face internal and external enemies (unit IV) and be properly equipped to spread the gospel (unit V).

This book teaches students in fourth grade and up using stories, worksheets, memory verses, quizzes, and regular practical application. Students will find the book of Acts an ancient adventure that continues today and can be embodied in their own lives.

The workbook contains 32 chapters to be completed one per week in a full school year, and is divided into five themed units. Each chapter contains important key facts, an engaging story, and a fun and challenging worksheet. Review chapters with extra puzzles and activities summarize each unit’s material.

For placement recommendations and other questions, please see our FAQ page.

GGC New Testament 2 Suggested Weekly Schedule (PDF)

GGC New Testament 2 Quiz Packet with Answer Keys (PDFs in ZIP)

Ask the Magister (teacher)

Companion Resources:

God’s Great Covenant – New Testament 2