Hans Brinker (or The Silver Skates)

By: Mary Mapes Dodge


The prize for winning the canal race is a pair of silver skates, but how can Hans or his sister, Gretel, hope to win skating with their handmade wooden skates? Since falling from a dike and hitting his head Hans’ father has been unable to work, forcing Hans, Gretel, and their mother to find ways to pay the bills. With barely enough to go around there isn’t much left over for fancy skates, but when Hans saves up enough for his own pair and a chance to race he decides that there is something even more important.


Product Description


Continuously in print since it was published in 1865 this edition of Hans Brinker features 65 illustrations and the complete unabridged text of this lovely story.

Additional Information

Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .7 in

Mary Mapes Dodge


Living Press Books

Date Published



Paperback, Hardcover


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