How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? $24.99

Robert, the biggest kid, guesses that the largest one has a million seeds; Elinor, sounding like she knows what she’s talking about, guesses the medium one has 500 seeds; and Anna, who likes even numbers better than odd ones, guesses that the little one has 22.

Charlie, the smallest boy in the class, doesn’t have a guess.

Counting pumpkin seeds is messy business, but once the slimy job is done, to everyone’s surprise, the smallest pumpkin has the most seeds!

As Charlie happily exclaims, “Small things have a lot going on inside of them.”


This book is a part of Kate’s Homeschool Math Help Second Grade Math with Confidence picture book list.

All other math titles from her lists can be viewed here.

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 10.9 × 9 × .4 in



G. Brian Karas, Maragaret McNamara

Publication Date



Random House Studio



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