Introduction to Composition Teacher Sample
The Introduction to Composition Teacher Key contains the answers to the Introduction to Composition Student Guide. Recommended for Grades 3-4.
Introduction to Composition course focuses on the concepts of narration, outlining, summarizing, dictation, and copywork. Reading passages are taken from
Farmer Boy,
Charlotte’s Web, and
The Moffats (must be purchased separately). Students are given guided questions to help them outline and then formulate a summary of the passage they have read. After giving an oral summary of their reading, their written work consists of a written summary and copying a couple of sentences from dictation. The goal of this first writing course is to help students become more proficient in listening and writing skills, a great preparation for the Memoria Press writing program
Classical Composition.
Introduction to Composition is composed of 30 lessons plus 10 supplemental lessons (sentences, letter writing, and book reports).
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