Borthwick tried his hand at prospecting, and he managed to find a bit of gold here and there, learning the methods that had been developed as miners refined the ways in which they looked for gold. But J.D. saw that there were other ways to make a living among the miners, and it wasn’t long before he realized where the real gold was.
These books are printed in a special dyslexia-friendly font that makes them easier for some children with visual processing problems to read. A special feature of the books is that each two-page spread contains a QR code that links to audio of the book being narrated. Children can listen and follow along to help them learn the words that they are seeing.
Titles in Series:
John Sutter’s Golden DreamÂ
Walter Colton’s Gold Fever
Forty-Niners Cross the Country
Bayard Taylor’s Journey to California Through Panama
J. Goldsborough Bruff Fights His Way West
J.D. Borthwick Finds Gold With a Paintbrush
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