Latina Christiana – Review Worksheets Key (Fourth Edition) $8.50


**New and improved edition! Features numerous adjustments to make a great product even better! (Not compatible with prior editions.)**

The supplemental Review Worksheets will help your students master the grammar and vocabulary they are learning in Latina Christiana. Each lesson has 1-2 pages of cumulative review, so your students get weekly reinforcement of review material as well as newly learned concepts. This Key contains the answers as well as a “Latin Olympics” review game.

Latina Christiana is, quite simply, the best grammar-based Latin course available for beginning students. Cheryl Lowe’s clear explanations, easy instructions, and step-by-step approach have led thousands of teachers and students to declare, “I love Latin!” Each lesson consists of a grammar form, ten vocabulary words, and English derivatives to help build vocabulary and a Latin saying that teaches students about their Christian and classical heritage. Five review lessons help ensure that your student has mastered the material.

Each lesson consists of a grammar form, ten vocabulary words, and English derivatives to help build vocabulary and a Latin saying that teaches students about their Christian and
classical heritage. Five review lessons help ensure that your student has mastered the material.

Exercises reinforce memory work and teach grammar in incremental steps through simple translation. Grammar coverage includes 1st-2nd declension nouns, 1st-2nd conjugation verbs, 1st-2nd declension adjectives, the irregular verb to be, and 1st-2nd person pronouns.

Companion Products

Latina Christiana Student Book, Fourth Edition
Latina Christiana Teacher Manual, Fourth Edition
Latina Christiana Pronunciation CD or Audio Streaming, Fourth Edition
Latina Christiana Instructional DVDs or Streaming, Second Edition
Prima Latina – Latina Christiana Flashcards, Second Edition

Supplemental Products

Latina Christiana Review Worksheets, Second Edition
Latina Christiana Review Worksheets Key, Second Edition
Latina Christiana Grammar Charts

Additional information
Weight .14 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .3 in


Published Date



Brenda Janke


Memoria Press



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