The Digital Resources are essential for implementing the mastery-learning paradigm central to the Novare Science educational strategy.
The central component to our mastery-learning paradigm is weekly, cumulative assessments. The quizzes are cumulative all year long so that students are required to maintain a study strategy that keeps key concepts from previous chapters fresh while learning material from each new chapter.
Digital Resources consist of documents only. Student resources are re-printable. The contents will include:
- Recommendations for Teaching – A course overview describing the details of teaching the course including suggestions for pacing, organization, assessments, grading and more.
- Quizzes and Chapter Tests – 3-4 assessments per chapter (1 test and 2-3 quizzes) in MS Word format intended for weekly administration. All assessments are cumulative for the entire year. Quizzes consist of one page containing 2-3 questions and can be administered in 15-20 minutes. Tests are 1 hour.
- All Keys and Sample Answers to Verbal Questions – A single document as a grading resource for quizzes, chapter exercises, and semester exams.
- Semester Exams – 2-hour Fall and Spring semester exams in .doc format.
- Lesson schedule and sample lesson calendar – A list of daily lessons (pages to read, exercises, quiz dates, experiment dates) for fall and spring semester, and a sample calendar based on a 4-day school week.
Please note: This digital item is non-refundable.