Lingua Angelica Song Book and Online Streaming $30.60

Song Book Sample

Lingua Angelica is an excellent Christian Latin reading and translation course. The CD contains 4 Latin prayers and 24 Latin hymns, beautifully sung by a six-voice a capella choir.  The Student Book provides facing vocabulary, space for interlinear translation, and grammar word study exercises.  In addition to well-written instructions on how to use the course, the Teacher Manual contains a complete copy of the Student Book with answers, making the teacher’s job easier.  Includes a song book with the musical scores and short histories for each piece.

The Lingua Angelica Song Book provides the musical score with lyrics for the 24 hymns on the Lingua Angelica CD, as well as a short “Music History” section that has background on these hymns.

Included Hymns

  1. Gaudeamus Igitur
  2. Dona Nobis Pacem
  3. Christus Vincit
  4. Veni Creator Spiritus
  5. Adeste Fideles
  6. Veni Veni Emmanuel
  7. Resonet in Laudibus
  8. Stabat Mater
  9. Ubi Caritas
  10. Pange Lingua
  11. Tantum Ergo
  12. Panis Angelicus
  13. Ave Verum Corpus
  14. Adoro Te Devote
  15. Ave Maria
  16. Salve, Mater Misericordiae
  17. Salve Regina
  18. Kyrie
  19. Gloria
  20. Sanctus
  21. Agnus Dei
  22. Dies Irae
  23. Requiem Aeternam
  24. In Paradisum

    Please note: The digital item included in this package is non-refundable.