Nathan Coulter $22.50

When young Nathan loses his grandfather, Berry guides readers through the process of Nathan’s grief, endearing the reader to the simple humanity through which Nathan views the world. Echoing Berry’s own strongly held beliefs, Nathan tells us that his grandfather’s life “couldn’t be divided from the days he’d spent at work in his fields.”

Berry has long been compared to Faulkner for his ability to erect entire communities in his fiction, and his heart and soul have always lived in Port William, Kentucky.

In this eloquent novel about duty, community, and a sweeping love of the land, Berry gives readers a classic book that takes them to that storied place.


Titles by Author

The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry
The World-Ending Fire
What Are People For?
Home Economics
Jayber Crow
Andy Catlett
A World Lost
A Place on Earth
Nathan Coulter
Hannah Coulter
That Distant Land
How It Went
The Memory of Old Jack

This title has been compiled by the Rabbit Room Press. You can see the full collection we carry here.

Additional information
Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .3 in



Wendell Berry

Published Date






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