Pinocchio $16.50$30.95


Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi is a delightful story set in the picturesque landscape of Tuscany, Italy, during the late 1800s.

Follow the wooden puppet Pinocchio as he faces a series of trials and temptations on his quest to become a real boy. Along the way, he encounters challenges that test his honesty and resolve, teaching children and readers of all ages valuable lessons about making the right choices and being honest and hardworking.

Central to the tale is the benevolent Blue Fairy, whose presence is pivotal in Pinocchio’s transformation. Her kindness and guidance offer hope and inspiration, making Pinocchio not just a whimsical story but a heartwarming and uplifting journey of self-discovery and redemption.

Carlo Collodi’s imaginative storytelling weaves these elements together, creating a timeless classic that continues to resonate with generations of readers.

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Carlo Collodi


Living Press Books


Paperback, Hardcover

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