Prima Latina – Instructional Videos (Online Streaming) $75.95

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Are you looking for a gentle introduction to Latin and a course that prepares your young student for a more advanced study of the language? Prima Latina is specifically designed for students and teachers with no Latin background.

This course was developed for children in 1st-4th grades who are still becoming familiar with English grammar and wish to learn Latin at a slower pace and learn English grammar in the process. Its goal is to teach and reinforce an understanding of the basic parts of speech while introducing Latin. It benefits the student by teaching him half of the vocabulary in Latina Christiana and grounding him in the fundamental concepts of English grammar, the key to Latin study.

The grammar lessons are set forth in a form appropriate for primary grades. The review lessons that follow each unit provide the consistent review needed to master Latin. With clear explanations and easy-to-read lessons in a two-color format, Prima Latina is perfect for those teachers and parents who would like to start their students on an early study of Christian Latin.

Prima Latina is also the perfect preparation for Latina Christiana.

The Prima Latina Instructional Videos feature superb explanations by the author herself, Leigh Lowe. Mrs. Lowe is a writer and curriculum developer for Memoria Press and one of the founding instructors at Highlands Latin School. She taught Latin, classical studies, and composition to students in the primary program. Leigh holds a B.A. in
business with a minor in computer science from Transylvania University and an M.B.A. from the University of Louisville.

Prima Latina Sample

*Videos require internet access to watch. For more information, see our Streaming Video FAQ.

Please note: This digital item is non-refundable.


Companion Products

Prima Latina Basic Set
Prima Latina Complete Set

Prima Latina Student Book
Prima Latina Teacher Manual
Prima Latina Pronunciation Online Streaming
Prima Latina Instructional Vidoes (Online Streaming)
Prima Latina Copybook
Prima Latina Lesson Plans
Prima Latina – Latina Christiana Flashcards, Second Edition

Lingua Angelica Songbook and CD
Ludere Latine

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Leigh Lowe


Memoria Press


Online Streaming



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