Product Description
A & B Books:
Additional Notes:
Required Components:
Answer Key: Included in the back of the book
Chapter 7: Decimals
7A: Tenths
7B: Hundredths
7C: Number Patterns
Chapter 8: Area and Perimeter
8A: Rectangles and Squares
8B: Composite Figures
Chapter 9: Geometry
9A: Points, Lines, Line Segments, Rays, and Angles
9B: Acute Angles, Right Angles, and Obtuse Angles
9C: Measure Angles
9D: Perpendicular and Parallel Line Segments
9E: Line of Symmetry
Chapter 10: Measurement, Time, and Conversion
10A: Metric Units of Measurement and Conversion
10B: Customary Units of Measurement and Conversion
10C: Time and Conversion
10D: Word Problems
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