Primary Mathematics Student Book 6B (2022 Edition) $17.95


A & B Books:
Our programs divide the school year into two semesters. “A” level books are for the first half of the school year. “B” level books are for the second half of the school year. You need both “A” and “B” material for a complete school year.

Additional Notes: Components are specific to each Primary Mathematics edition, and are not interchangeable across editions.

Required Components: Student Books, Additional Practice, and Guides (Home Instructor’s Guides or Teacher’s Guides) are the necessary components of this program.

Answer Key: Located in corresponding Home Instructor’s Guide/Teacher’s Guide

Table of Contents

Chapter 7: Algebraic Expressions
7A: Read and Write Algebraic Expressions
7B: Simplify Algebraic Expressions
7C: Evaluate Algebraic Expressions
7D: Real-World Problems: Algebraic Expressions

Chapter 8: Equations and Inequalities
8A: Algebraic Equations
8B: Solve Algebraic Equations by Adding and Subtracting
8C: Real-World Problems: Solve Algebraic Equations by Adding and Subtracting
8D: Solve Algebraic Equations by Multiplying or Dividing
8E: Real-World Problems: Solve Algebraic Equations by Multiplying or Dividing
8F: Solve Algebraic Equations Involving Rational Numbers
8G: Real-World Problems: Solve Algebraic Equations Using the Four Operations
8H: Linear Equations
8I: Real-World Problems: Linear Equations
8J: Simple Inequalities

Chapter 9: Area of Polygons
9A: Area of Parallelograms
9B: Area of Triangles
9C: Area of Trapezoids
9D: Area of Other Polygons

Chapter 10: The Coordinate Place
10A: Points on the Coordinate Plane
10B: Distance and Area on the Coordinate Plane
10C: Real-World Problems: Polygons

Chapter 11: Volume and Surface Area
11A: Volume
11B: Real-World Problems: Volume
11C: Solids, Nets, and Surface Area
11D: Real-World Problems: Volume, Nets and Surface Area

Chapter 12: Statistics
12A: Data Collection and Data Displays
12B: Center of Distribution
12C: Variability of Distribution
12D: Box Plots

Additional information
Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .5 in



Singapore Math Inc.



