Real Love for Real Life: The Art and Work of Caring $20.95

Through personal illustrations, timely research, and thoughtful quotations, Ashworth addresses the practicalities, philosophies, challenges, and joys of providing care in the relationships of home and community–leading readers to a greater understanding of the value and the validity of their call to be caregivers.

What if caregiving means giving loving care everywhere and in everything? What if caregiving actually applies to all people of all ages?

Ashworth believes it does and shows us how. Her remarkable book has, for many, become the handbook for living a loving, hospitable, caregiving life. For Andi, imaginative care for people and planet is the human mission on earth.

This title has been compiled by the Rabbit Room Press. You can see the full collection we carry here.

Additional information
Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 8.3 × 5.5 × .4 in



Andi Ashworth

Published Date



Rabbit Room Press



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