Here is the thrilling story of Rikki, a fearless young mongoose who finds himself locked in a life-and-death struggle to protect a boy and his parents from Nag and Nagaina, the two enormous cobras who stalk the gardens outside the family’s home in India.”Nobel Prize winner Rudyard Kiplings timeless masterpiece has been lovingly passed from one generation of readers to the next. Triumphantly brought to life in stunning watercolors from Caldecott Honor artist Jerry Pinkney, this is a tale that will win the hearts of young and old alike.”
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Product Description
Nobel Prize winner Rudyard Kiplings timeless masterpiece has been lovingly passed from one generation of readers to the next. Triumphantly brought to life in stunning watercolors from Caldecott Honor artist Jerry Pinkney, this is a tale that will win the hearts of young and old alike.
Additional Information
Weight | .23 kg |
Dimensions | 11 × 9.5 × .25 in |
ISBN 13 | 9780060587857 |
Published Date | 1997 |
Author | Rudyard Kipling |
Publisher | HarperCollins |
Format | Paperback |
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