Science in the Beginning – Textbook $58.50

The beginning of history is given in the Bible’s creation account, and this book uses the days of creation as a way of introducing a wide range of scientific concepts including the nature of light, energy conservation, the properties of air and water, introductory botany, our solar system, basic zoology, and some aspects of human anatomy and physiology.
As the students learn about these scientific concepts, they are constantly reminded of the Creator who fashioned the marvels they are studying.

There are three levels of review for each lesson, so the parent/teacher can choose the depth at which each student is expected to grasp the material.

The course contains roughly 90 hours of instruction, 35 of which are composed of hands-on activities.

Table of Contents
Lab supply list by lesson
Consolidated lab supply list
Scope and Sequence
Printable Notebook
A Journey Through Learning Binder-Builders

Related Resources:

Science in the Beginning – Notebook (Older)
Science in the Beginning – Notebook (Oldest)
Science in the Beginning – Helps & Hints

Science in the Beginning Set 


Additional information
Weight 1.8 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.75 × 2 in



Jay L. Wile


Berean Builders






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