Workbooks offer the independent practice necessary for students to hone their skills. Corresponding to textbook material, lessons begin with fundamentals and progresses to more challenging problems.
Workbooks offer the independent practice necessary for students to hone their skills. Corresponding to textbook material, lessons begin with fundamentals and progresses to more challenging problems.
Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 5B – Textbook
Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 5B – Workbook
Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 5B – Teacher’s Guide
Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 5B – Tests
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Singapore Math Placement Test
Chapter 9: Decimals
Lesson 1: Thousandths
Lesson 2: Place Value to Thousandths
Lesson 3: Comparing Decimals
Lesson 4: Rounding Decimals
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Multiply Decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000
Lesson 7: Divide Decimals by 10, 100, and 1,000
Lesson 8: Conversion of Measures
Lesson 9: Mental Calculation
Lesson 10: Practice B
Chapter 10: The Four Operations of Decimals
Lesson 1: Adding Decimals to Thousandths
Lesson 2: Subtracting Decimals
Lesson 3: Multiplying by 0.1 or 0.01
Lesson 4: Multiplying by a Decimal
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Dividing by a Whole Number — Part 1
Lesson 7: Dividing by a Whole Number — Part 2
Lesson 8: Dividing by a Whole Number by 0.1 and 0.01
Lesson 9: Dividing a Whole Number by a Decimal
Lesson 10: Practice B
Chapter 11: Geometry
Lesson 1: Measuring Angles
Lesson 2: Angles and Lines
Lesson 3: Classifying Triangles
Lesson 4: The Sum of the Angles in a Triangle
Lesson 5: The Exterior Angle of a Triangle
Lesson 6: Classifying Quadrilaterals
Lesson 7: Angles of Quadrilaterals — Part 1
Lesson 8: Angles of Quadrilaterals — Part 2
Lesson 9: Drawing Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Lesson 10: Practice
Chapter 12: Data Analysis and Graphs
Lesson 1: Average — Part 1
Lesson 2: Average — Part 2
Lesson 3: Line Plots
Lesson 4: Coordinate Graphs
Lesson 5: Straight Line Graphs
Lesson 6: Practice
Review 3
Chapter 13: Ratio
Lesson 1: Finding the Ratio
Lesson 2: Equivalent Ratios
Lesson 3: Finding a Quantity
Lesson 4: Comparing Three Quantities
Lesson 5: Word Problems
Lesson 6: Practice
Chapter 14: Rate
Lesson 1: Finding the Rate
Lesson 2: Rate Problems — Part 1
Lesson 3: Rate Problems — Part 2
Lesson 4: Word Problems
Lesson 5: Practice
Chapter 15: Percentage
Lesson 1: Meaning of Percentage
Lesson 2: Expressing Percentages as Fractions
Lesson 3: Percentages and Decimals
Lesson 4: Expressing Fractions as Percentages
Lesson 5: Practice A
Lesson 6: Percentage of a Quantity
Lesson 7: Word Problems
Lesson 8: Practice B
Review 4
Review 5