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Table of Contents:
Chapter 9: Number Patterns
9.1 Number Patterns and Sequences
9.2 General Term of a Sequence
A. General Term
B. Application of Number Patterns
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Chapter 10: Coordinates and Linear Graphs
10.1 Cartesian Coordinate System
10.2 Linear Graphs
10.3 Slopes of Linear Graphs
A. Positive Slopes
B. Negative Slopes
C. Special Cases
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Chapter 11: Inequalities
11.1 Solving Simple Inequalities
A. Idea of Inequalities
B. Solving an Inequality
11.2 More Properties of Inequalities
11.3 Simple Linear Inequalities
11.4 Application of Simple Inequalities
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Chapter 12: Perimeters and Areas of Plane Figures
12.1 Perimeters and Areas of a Square, a Rectangle, and a Triangle
12.2 Circumference and Area of a Circle
12.3 Area of a Parallelogram
12.4 Area of a Trapezoid
12.5 Perimeters and Areas of Composite Plane Figures
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Chapter 13: Volumes and Surface Areas of Solids
13.1 Volumes and Total Surface Areas of a Cube and a Cuboid
A. Nets of Cube, Cuboid, and Other Prisms
B. Cube
C. Cuboid
13.2 Volume and Total Surface Area of a Prism
A. Prism
B. Volume of Prism
C. Surface Area of Prism
13.3 Volumes and Surface Areas of Composite Solids
A. Conversion between Different Units
B. Composite Solids
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Chapter 14: Proportions
14.1 Scale Drawing
14.2 Map Scale and Calculation of Area
A. Map Scale
B. Calculation of Area
14.3 Direct Proportion
14.4 Inverse Proportion
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Chapter 15: Data Handling
15.1 Collection of Data
15.2 Dot Plots
15.3 Measure of Center: Mean
A. Measure of Center
B. Mean
C. Using Mean to Compare Two Populations
D. Variation from the Mean
15.4 Measure of Center: Median
15.5 Mode
A. Definition of Mode
B. Comparison between Mean, Median, and Mode
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Chapter 16: Probability of Simple Events
16.1 Set Notation
A. Sets
B. Equal Sets
C. Subsets
D. Universal Set and Empty Set
E. Complement of a Set
16.2 The Meaning of Probability
A. Introduction
B. Terms and Definitions
16.3 Sample Space
A. Sample Space
B. Basic Properties of Probabilities
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Chapter 17: Probability of Combined Events
17.1 Probability of Simple Combined EventsA. Possibility Diagram
B. Tree Diagram
17.2 The Meaning of Probability
17.3 Independent Events
17.4 Further Probabilities
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