Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 7B – Textbook $38.95

A & B Books:

This program divides the school year into two semesters. “A” level books are for the first half of the school year. “B” level books are for the second half of the school year. You need both “A” and “B” material for a complete school year.

Required Components:

Textbooks, Workbooks, and Guides (either Home Instructor’s Guides or Teacher’s Guides) are all necessary components. These three elements each serve a unique function and work together to build math mastery.

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Placement Test:

Not sure which grade level your student needs? Click here to find out!
Singapore Math Placement Test

Table of Contents:

Chapter 9: Number Patterns
9.1 Number Patterns and Sequences
9.2 General Term of a Sequence
A. General Term
B. Application of Number Patterns
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Chapter 10: Coordinates and Linear Graphs
10.1 Cartesian Coordinate System
10.2 Linear Graphs
10.3 Slopes of Linear Graphs
A. Positive Slopes
B. Negative Slopes
C. Special Cases
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Chapter 11: Inequalities
11.1 Solving Simple Inequalities
A. Idea of Inequalities
B. Solving an Inequality
11.2 More Properties of Inequalities
11.3 Simple Linear Inequalities
11.4 Application of Simple Inequalities
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Chapter 12: Perimeters and Areas of Plane Figures
12.1 Perimeters and Areas of a Square, a Rectangle, and a Triangle
12.2 Circumference and Area of a Circle
12.3 Area of a Parallelogram
12.4 Area of a Trapezoid
12.5 Perimeters and Areas of Composite Plane Figures
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Chapter 13: Volumes and Surface Areas of Solids
13.1 Volumes and Total Surface Areas of a Cube and a Cuboid
A. Nets of Cube, Cuboid, and Other Prisms
B. Cube
C. Cuboid
13.2 Volume and Total Surface Area of a Prism
A. Prism
B. Volume of Prism
C. Surface Area of Prism
13.3 Volumes and Surface Areas of Composite Solids
A. Conversion between Different Units
B. Composite Solids
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Chapter 14: Proportions
14.1 Scale Drawing
14.2 Map Scale and Calculation of Area
A. Map Scale
B. Calculation of Area
14.3 Direct Proportion
14.4 Inverse Proportion
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Chapter 15: Data Handling
15.1 Collection of Data
15.2 Dot Plots
15.3 Measure of Center: Mean
A. Measure of Center
B. Mean
C. Using Mean to Compare Two Populations
D. Variation from the Mean
15.4 Measure of Center: Median
15.5 Mode
A. Definition of Mode
B. Comparison between Mean, Median, and Mode
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Chapter 16: Probability of Simple Events
16.1 Set Notation
A. Sets
B. Equal Sets
C. Subsets
D. Universal Set and Empty Set
E. Complement of a Set
16.2 The Meaning of Probability
A. Introduction
B. Terms and Definitions
16.3 Sample Space
A. Sample Space
B. Basic Properties of Probabilities
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Chapter 17: Probability of Combined Events
17.1 Probability of Simple Combined EventsA. Possibility Diagram
B. Tree Diagram
17.2 The Meaning of Probability
17.3 Independent Events
17.4 Further Probabilities
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Additional information
Weight .7 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × .75 in



Singapore Math Inc.



