Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 8B – Textbook $38.95

A & B Books:

This program divides the school year into two semesters. “A” level books are for the first half of the school year. “B” level books are for the second half of the school year. You need both “A” and “B” material for a complete school year.

Required Components:

Textbooks, Workbooks, and Guides (either Home Instructor’s Guides or Teacher’s Guides) are all necessary components. These three elements each serve a unique function and work together to build math mastery.

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Singapore Dimensions Math: Level 8B – Workbook
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Placement Test:

Not sure which grade level your student needs? Click here to find out!
Singapore Math Placement Test

Table of Contents:

Chapter 8: Graphs of Linear and Quadratic Functions8.1 Linear FunctionA. Idea of Functions
B. Linear Functions
C. Rate of Change8.2 Graphs of Quadratic FunctionsA. Graph of y = ax2 + bx + c, where a > 0
B. Graph of y = ax2 + bx + c, where a < 0In a Nutshell
Review Exercise 8
Extend Your Learning Curve
Write in Your Journal

Chapter 9: Graphs in Practical Situations9.1 Tables, Charts and Graphs
9.2 Distance-Time GraphsIn a Nutshell
Review Exercise 9
Extend Your Learning Curve
Write in Your Journal

Chapter 10: Pythagorean Theorem10.1 Pythagorean Theorem
10.2 The Converse of Pythagorean TheoremA. Definition
B. Determination of Right-Angled Triangles10.3 Applications of Pythagoras TheoremIn a Nutshell
Review Exercise 10
Extend Your Learning Curve
Write in Your Journal

Chapter 11: Coordinate Geometry11.1 Distance Between Two Points
11.2 Slope of a Straight Line
11.3 Equation of a Straight LineIn a Nutshell
Review Exercise 11
Extend Your Learning Curve
Write in Your Journal

Chapter 12: Mensuration of Pyramids, Cylinders, Cones and Spheres12.1 PyramidsA. Introducing Pyramids
B. Nets and Surface Areas of Pyramids
C. Volumes of Pyramids12.2 CylindersA. Volume and Surface Area of a Cylinder12.3 ConesA. Introducing Cones
B. Net and Surface Area of a Cone
C. Volume of a Cone12.4 SpheresA. Introducing Spheres
B. Volume of a Sphere
C. Surface Area of a SphereIn a Nutshell
Review Exercise 12
Extend Your Learning Curve
Write in Your Journal

Chapter 13: Data Analysis13.1 Organizing Data in Frequency Tables
13.2 Bar Graphs and HistogramsA. Bar Graphs
B. Histograms13.3 Line Graphs and Scatter PlotsA. Line Graphs
B. Scatter PlotsIn a Nutshell
Review Exercise 13
Extend Your Learning Curve
Write in Your Journal

Chapter 14: More About Quadratic Equations14.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factorization
14.2 Completing the Square Method
14.3 Quadratic Formula
14.4 Graphical Method
14.5 Applications of Quadratic EquationsIn a Nutshell Review Exercise 14
Extend Your Learning Curve
Write in Your Journal


Additional information
Weight .7 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × .75 in



Singapore Math Inc.



