Singapore Math: Sprints 3 (Updated Version) $19.50


Enhance your students’ mathematical abilities and enthusiasm with our Singapore Math Sprints series: a proven, engaging method designed to reinforce lessons, strengthen recall, and build crucial mental math skills.

Built to integrate with any curriculum or educational setting, these materials transform math practice into an exciting challenge, encouraging students to surpass their personal bests.

Each Sprints book contains A/B sections for tailored difficulty progression and differentiation, and answer keys for easy review and feedback, optimizing teaching efficiency.


301 Identify the Place of a Digit in Numbers Within 10,000
302 Identify the Value of a Digit in Numbers Within 10,000
303 Regroup Digits in Numbers Within 10,000
304 Compare Numbers Within 10,000
305 Count On or Back by 1, 10, or 100
306 Round to the Nearest Thousand
307 Round to the Nearest Hundred
308 Round to the Nearest Ten
309 Add Numbers Within 100
310 Subtract Numbers Within 100
311 Make 100 and 1,000
312 Add and Subtract Numbers Close to Tens or Hundreds
313 Add Numbers Within 10,000
314 Subtract Numbers Within 10,000
315 Multiply and Divide by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10
316 Multiply and Divide Ones, Tens, and Hundreds
317 Multiply and Divide by a 1-Digit Number
318 Multiply and Divide Within the Multiplication Table for 6
319 Multiply and Divide Within the Multiplication Table for 7
320 Multiply and Divide Within the Multiplication Table for 8
321 Multiply and Divide Within the Multiplication Table for 9
322 Multiply by 1–10
323 Divide by 6 –10
324 Compare Fractions with Like Numerators or Like Denominators
325 Find Equivalent Fractions
326 Simplify Fractions
327 Compare Fractions to 12
328 Compare Fractions
329 Add and Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
330 Simplify after Adding or Subtracting Fractions
331 Convert Between Meters and Centimeters
332 Subtract from Meters
333 Convert Between Kilograms and Grams
334 Subtract from Kilometers or Kilograms
335 Calculate Elapsed Time
336 Make $1.00 and $10.00
337 Add Money
338 Subtract Money
Answer Key

Additional Notes:

How to do Sprints:

1. Let students know that this is only a competition against themselves, there is no real grade for this activity, and that the goal is to finish as many problems as possible before the time is up.

2. Pass out the First Half sheets face-down, instructing students to flip them over only when you say “go.” Once students are ready, say, “On your mark, get set, go!” and start your timer for 60 seconds.

3. When the 60 seconds are up, students to stop working, circle the last completed problem, and put pencils down.

4. Read the correct answers out loud while students respond “yes” and pump their hands in the air to each problem they answered correctly. Tell students to write the number of problems they got correct at the top of the page.

5. Ask students to complete the rest of the problems on the sheet.

6. Ask students to stand up, stretch, run around, or do jumping jacks for a short break.

7. Have students return to their seats and get ready to turn their pages to the reverse side, the Second Half. Remind them that their goal is to beat their first scores by at least one.

8. Repeat steps 3–5. Have students compare their two scores to see if they improved by at least one.

Level: Advanced

Level: On Level

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .5 in


Date Published



Singapore Math





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