Smart But Scattered Guide to Success $27.95


In this essential guide, leading experts Peg Dawson and Richard Guare help you map your own executive skills profile and take effective steps to boost your organizational skills, time management, emotional control, and nine other essential capacities.

The book is packed with science-based strategies and concrete examples, plus downloadable practical tools for creating your own personalized action plan. Whether on the job or at home, you can get more done with less stress.

Table of Contents

I. Understanding the Executive in Your Brain

1. Are You Smart, Scattered, and Stressed?
2. Your Executive Skills Profile
3. Managing Executive Skills by Modifying the Environment
4. Improving Your Executive Skills

II. Understanding the Impact of Executive Skills in Your Daily Life

5. Executive Skills in the Workplace
6. Executive Skills in the Home
7. Executive Skills in Relationships

III. Strategies for Individual Executive Skills

8. Controlling Impulses: Response Inhibition
9. Keeping Track of It All: Working Memory
10. Being Cool: Emotional Control
11. Avoiding Procrastination: Task Initiation
12. Staying Focused: Sustained Attention
13. Defining a Path: Planning/Prioritizing
14. Clearing Clutter: Organization
15. Sticking to the Schedule: Time Management
16. Shifting Gears: Flexibility
17. Learning from Experience: Metacognition
18. Reaching the Finish Line: Goal-Directed Persistence
19. Rolling with the Punches: Stress Tolerance

IV. Looking Ahead

20. Aging without Losing Your Edge: A Prescription for Preserving Executive Skills



Titles in Series

Smart but Scattered (Second Edition)
Smart but Scattered Teens
Smart but Scattered – and Stalled
The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success


Additional information
Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 10 × 7 × .8 in


Published Date



Peg Dawson,
Richard Guare,


The Guilford Press



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