Speaking Italian with Miss Mason and François, Volume 1 $68.95

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The Charlotte Mason way to learn conversational Italian

Speaking Italian with Miss Mason and François, Volume 1 guides you and your homeschool students through the Gouin Series approach to foreign language. This natural and effective method has you speaking the new language from the very first lesson, giving you immediate success.

In Volume 1, students will learn more than 145 verbs, primarily in the first person indicative, providing the vocabulary needed to describe actions from their own daily lives. Volume 1 provides 2–3 years of lessons, depending on your pace.

Audio recordings of each series by a native speaker are included with the book as a digital download, so you can hear the correct pronunciations from the beginning.

The Approach

Gouin Series is a set of phrases emphasizing verbs, which allows students to engage their whole bodies in the language lesson. A simple series is I take the book. I open the book. I close the book.

Students first practice the series in English, then learn the key verbs in Italian. This unlocks the ability for the student to create his own sentences with other nouns. For example, what else can be opened and closed?

Make learning a foreign language simple and engaging with Cherrydale Press foreign language courses!

Titles in Series: 

Speaking Spanish,  Volume 1
Speaking Spanish, Volume 2
Speaking French, Volume 1
Speaking French, Volume 2
Speaking Italian, Volume 1
Speaking German, Volume 1

Additional information
Weight .3 kg
Dimensions 9.3 × 6.3 × .5 in



Allyson D. Adrian


Simply Charlotte Mason




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