Spelling Workout: Level E – Teacher Edition $43.95

From the Publisher:

“Level E program provides a clear and consistent format. At the start of every lesson, there is a short, interesting reading passage that uses some of the list words in context. The lessons also include riddles and puzzles so students can have fun learning. There is a different spelling rule each time, with all the list words reflecting that phonics principle.”

Spelling Workout has all the components you need to lead students from simple sound-letter relationships to more complex spelling patterns.

Students learn spelling skills based on phonics through unique, cross-curricular reading passages, practice, and high-interest writing activities. Packed with flexible lessons, motivating activites, including fun riddles and puzzles, this dynamic program leads students to spelling success!

The Teacher’s Edition:

  • Provides detailed lesson plans for either a 3-day or 5-day plan.
  • Offers strategy activities for reinforcing and analyzing spelling patterns.
  • Includes Dictation Sentences for a Pretest and Final Replay Test.
  • Suggests tips for meeting the needs of English language learners.
  • Features Take-It Home masters to help foster home involvement.
  • Follows the same scope and sequence of MCP “Plaid” Phonics.


Companion Products:

Spelling Workout Level E – Teacher Edition
Spelling Workout Level E – Student Edition

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 10.7 × 8.3 × .4 in


Published Date



Modern Curriculum Press





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