One of the most intriguing characters in The Lord of the Rings, the amusing and enigmatic Tom Bombadil, also appears in verses said to have been written by Hobbits and preserved in the ‘Red Book’ with stories of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins and their friends.
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil collects these and other poems, mainly concerned with legends and jests of the Shire at the end of the Third Age.
This special edition has been expanded to include earlier versions of some of Tolkien’s poems, a fragment of a prose story with Tom Bombadil, and comprehensive notes by acclaimed Tolkien scholars Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond.
Companion Products:
The Hobbit (Illustrated)
The Hobbit (PB)
The Fellowship of the Ring (Gold Foil)
The Fellowship of the Ring (Hardcover)
The Two Towers (Hardcover)
The Return of the King (Hardcover)
The Simarillion (Gold Foill)
The Simarillion (HC)
Beren and Luthien
The Fall of Numenor
The Fall of Gondolin
The Children of Hurin
Unfinished Tales
Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien
Hobbitvs Ille: The Latin Hobbit
Farmer Giles of Ham
Farmer Giles of Ham (HC)
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
Atlas of Middle Earth
Paperback Set:
The Hobbit
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
Boxed Sets:
History of Middle-Earth Boxed-Set #1
History of Middle-Earth Boxed-Set #2
History of Middle-Earth Boxed-Set #3
History of Middle-Earth Boxed-Set #4
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