Although the student book for The Animal Kingdom is designed to enable children to work independently, the teacher manual will help instructors guide children to get the most out of it.
The student book contains ten modules—one for each month of a traditional school year. Each one introduces a different animal (whale, cat, deer, horse, lion, elephant, kangaroo, robin, ladybug, and turtle) and explores its adaptations to the environment. The teacher manual contains a passage about each animal to be read to the children, followed by questions to motivate children to learn more about the animals and their habitats. A planning sheet for each module covers the concepts, vocabulary, questions, knowledge and skills objectives, and activities for the unit, as well as interrelated subjects, materials and resources, values and attitudes, and evaluation.
The last section of the teacher manual includes a brief discussion on Bloom’s Taxonomy and the value of encouraging children to use higher-order thinking skills. It then provides instructors with a variety of sample questions and activities at each level of the Taxonomy. Although the samples are useful, they are most valuable as springboards to new questions and activities, and instructors are encouraged to think of alternative activities that are well-suited to individual children’s needs.
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