The Art of Argument – Student Edition (Revised) $39.50


The Art of Argument – Revised Student EditionĀ teaches students how to reason with clarity, relevance, and purpose through the study of 28 logical fallacies. It includes fresh examples, enhanced explanations, and a refreshed design.

All of the best features of theĀ award-winning first editionĀ are preserved, and we have incorporated more comprehensive instruction about how to detect and avoid each of the 28 fallacies covered in the book.

Updated fallacy examples for todayā€™s students and several new dialogues with everyone’s favorite philosopher, Socrates, have been added as well. This edition also includes taxonomic fallacy trees to give students and teachers helpful visual guides as they seek to understand the commonalities and differences between the fallacies.

One of the most important additions in this revision is a more explicit call for students and teachers to be truth seekers who approach debate, disagreement, and argument from a point of humility by seeking what is true without being distracted by the desire to be right. We have provided opportunities for students to practice the virtue of prudence as they build the tools necessary to learn how to reason well.

Companion Products:

The Art of Argument: An Introduction to the Informal Fallacies – DVDs
The Art of Argument: An Introduction to the Informal Fallacies – Teacherā€™s Edition

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Additional information
Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .7 in


Published Date



Joelle Hodge,
Dr. Christopher Perrin, MDiv, PhD,
Aaron Larsen, DA


Classical Academic Press




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