As bad as things seem, they’re about to get much worse for Hunter. He discovers that a widowed rancher nicknamed Crazy Kate and a nasty bully named Max have developed a special interest in this city boy.
But Hunter soon realizes there is something more to this sleepy, little town up in the mountains. His life takes an unexpected turn when he awakes one day to the majestic bugle call of an elk named Boss.
Can this city kid unplug from his video games and plug into the
great outdoors? Can his family survive the move to Redemption Road?
Can one magnificent bull elk transform an entire town?
Titles in Series:
The Legend of the Ghost Buck
The Hunt for Scarface
Terror at Deadwood Lake
The Boss on Redemption Road
The Day it Rained Ducks
The Lost Deer Camp
Companion Resources:
Hometown Hunters Full Collection
Hometown Hunters Workbook Set
The Fishing Chronicles Series
The Fishing Chronicles -Printable Workbooks
Local Legends Series
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