The Long Winter (Color)

By: Laura Ingalls Wilder


The Long Winter is the sixth book in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s treasured Little House series, and the recipient of a Newbery Honor.

The fledgling town of De Smet in the Dakota Territory is hit hard by the brutal winter of 1880-1881. Laura, Pa, Ma, Mary, Carrie, and little Grace face the winter as best they can, but soon, blizzards have covered the town in snow that piles up to the rooftops, cutting the town off from supplies and trade. Food stores begin to run dangerously low. To save the town from starvation, young Almanzo Wilder and a friend brave the conditions, set off across the prairie in search of wheat, and return victorious. The town is saved, and the townspeople share in an unusual, but joyful, Christmas celebration.

Product Description


This full-color collector’s edition of The Long Winter features glossy pages, large text, and illustrations by Garth Williams.

The nine books in the timeless Little House series tell the story of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s real childhood as an American pioneer and are cherished by readers of all generations. They offer a unique glimpse into life on the American frontier and tell the heartwarming, unforgettable story of a loving family.

Books in the Series:

Little House in the Big Woods (Color)
Farmer Boy (Color)
Little House on the Prairie (Color)
On the Banks of Plum Creek (Color)
By the Shores of Silver Lake (Color)
Little Town on the Prairie (Color)
These Happy Golden Years (Color)
The First Four Years (Color)

Additional Information

Weight .54 kg
Dimensions 6.8 × 4.6 × .8 in


Published date



Laura Ingalls Wilder






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