The Mitten $26.99

From the publisher

In this bestselling modern classic, a young boy’s lost mitten leads to a charming snowy adventure. Jan Brett’s beautiful retelling has been a family favorite for over 25 years.

When Nicki drops his white mitten in the snow, he goes on without realizing that it is missing.

One by one, woodland animals find it and crawl in; first, a curious mole, then a rabbit, a badger and others, each one larger than the last. Finally, a big brown bear is followed in by a tiny brown mouse and what happens next makes for a wonderfully funny climax.

As the story of the animals in the mitten unfolds, the reader can see Nicki in the borders of each page, walking through the woods unaware of what is going on.

In her distinctive style, Jan Brett brings the animals to life with warmth and humor, and her illustrations are full of visual delights and details faithful to the Ukrainian tradition from which the story comes.

Jan Brett is also the creator of such wintery classics as The Hat, The Snowy Nap, Three Snowy BearsThe Animal’s Santa, and The Night Before Christmas.

Additional information
Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 11.4 × 9.4 × .4 in



Jan Brett

Published Date



G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers



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