42 tests: one for each chapter of The Story of the World, Volume 1. Perfect for evaluating comprehension and retention.
The narrative format of The Story of the World helps children remember the famous people, places, and events in history. These tests offer you an easy way to make sure that your child is absorbing the important events from world history. A combination of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short writing samples allow you to evaluate your child’s retention and comprehension of key events in The Story of the World.
Let’s be clear: We’d just as soon you didn’t administer tests to your six-year-old. Poor thing; she’s still trying to remember how that whole shoelace thing works, plus lunch always seems to be seventeen hours away. But if you’re using Volume 1 with a slightly older student, test away.
A combination of multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short writing samples allow you to evaluate your child’s retention and comprehension of key events in The Story of the World. The Test package contains an answer key for all tests, once again allowing you to prove that, yes, you’re smarter than your first grader. (Enjoy it while you can.)