The Trailblazing Life of Daniel Boone $22.95

Daniel Boone’s story is every young adventurer’s fantasy: A childhood in Pennsylvania spent hunting on lands shared with Native Americans; a coming-of-age fighting in the French and Indian War; and the fulfillment of a life’s dream with the blazing of the Wilderness Road across the Appalachian Mountains and the settling of Boonesborough in Kentucky. Add to this the rescue of his daughter from Shawnee warriors, and readers are quickly in the thick of another irresistible Cheryl Harness History.

During Daniel Boone’s 86-year life, Colonial America is transformed into a revolutionary republic, trails morph into roads and highways, and Americans discover new ways to travel―by canal, and by steam-powered boats and trains.

Readers journey through these formative milestones in America’s great westward expansion with the aid of a time line running along each page, 200-plus illustrations, maps, sidebars, primary-source quotations, and resource lists.

Additional information
Weight .4 kg
Dimensions 9.3 × 7.8 × .6 in


Published Date



Cheryl Harness


National Geographic Kids



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