The Treasure Seekers $13.50$29.50


The Bastable house is too small for all six Children, Dora, Oswald, Dicky, Alice, Noel, and Horace, whose widowed father works hard to raise them by himself. Money is scarce, new clothes are rare and most of their possessions have been handed down from others.

After their father’s business partner steals their money resulting in them being pulled from school the children decide to help their father reclaim his fortune. Follow along as the children devise scheme after scheme, from digging for buried treasure to selling poetry, starting a business to being a detective. Will anything they try help put the family back on track?

Keep reading the adventures of the Bastable’s in The Wouldbegoods, also available from Living Book Press.


Titles in Series:

The Story of the Treasure Seekers
The Wouldbegoods
The New Treasure Seekers
Oswald Bastable and Others


Additional information
Weight .32 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × .5 in

Edith Nesbit


Living Press Books


Paperback, Hardcover

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