The Tuttle Twins: America’s History, Volume 2 (1776-1791) $133.95

We’ve read them — all the social studies books being used in schools today. They’re fantastic, if your goal is to make kids uninterested in our history.

But if your goal is to raise a well-rounded child who learns lessons from the past that they can apply to their own life, you need something better.

Introducing America’s History: A Tuttle Twins Series of Stories — two 240+ page hardback storybooks that teach inspiring stories and powerful ideas from our nation’s past, to help empower your children to live their best lives today.

Volume 1 covers the years leading up to 1776 and explores the ideas, philosophy, and stories that moved the Founding Fathers to establish our country.

Volume 2 covers the Revolutionary War, the creation of the Constitution, and the ratification of the Bill of Rights—and the book is jam-packed with interesting stories and powerful ideas.

Our 240-page book on American history is unlike any other. Where other textbooks for kids focus on what happened, we focus on why it all happened. Where other books ignore the ideas behind the Revolution, our book is full of them.

Recommended ages: 7-13

Other “Tuttle Twins” Series:

The Tuttle Toddlers: ABCs Combo Set
The Tuttle Toddlers: 123’s Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins Guidebooks Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins: Choose Your Consequence Combo Set
The Tuttle Twins: America’s History Set
The Tuttle Twins: Free Market Rules – Economic Curriculum (Full Set)

Additional information
Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 10.3 × 8.3 × 1 in


Published Date



Connor Boyack


Libertas Press




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