Plan your year, identify goals, set priorities, and ask God to supply the growth.
Count your blessings while charting your family’s progress with this 52-week planner designed to help you document God’s faithfulness and activity during your homeschool journey.
The Ultimate Homeschool Planner for Moms includes:
- Sturdy construction with convenient pockets and coated covers
- Six years of calendars for long-term planning
- One-Year Planning Grid for the year ahead
- Student Goal Setter pages to identify academic and character goals for each child
- Family Priorities page to help you keep life in perspective
- Resource List pages to track resources for up to six children
- Two-page planning grid for each month
- Special Notes for scheduling exceptions that break your routine
- Wide margins to record prayers and answers to prayers
- Scriptures for meditating on God’s faithfulness
- Exclusive Lord’s Day feature for making God’s Word a central part of your plan
- Maximum flexibility to organize for up to six children by day or subject
- Memorable Moments and Evidences of Grace pages for recounting God’s activity in your life and home school
- Pages to record grades for up to six children and six subjects
- Reading List pages for up to six children
- Field Trip and Outside Activities log
- High School Planning Grid with a sample plan
- Year-End Review pages for reflection and next year’s planning
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